

class pyransac.ransac.RansacParams(samples: int, iterations: int, confidence: float, threshold: float, replacement: bool)

Random sample consensus (RANSAC) function parameters.

This class contains the parameters for the RANSAC algorithm.

confidence: float

The RANSAC confidence value (0 <= confidence <= 1).

iterations: int

Maximum number iterations to complete.

replacement: bool

The samples should be drawn with replacement (i.e. repeats are OK)

samples: int

The number of random samples to take per iteration.

threshold: float

The error threshold to consider a point an inlier

pyransac.ransac.find_inliers(points: List, model: Model, params: RansacParams)

Find the inliers from a data set.

Finds the inliers from a given data set given a model and an error function.

  • points – data points to evaluate

  • model – type of model to which the data should adhere

  • params – parameters for the RANSAC algorithm



Data Models

class pyransac.base.Model

ABC class for data models.

Derivative classes should extend this class and implement its interface.

abstract calc_error(point) float

Calculates error between data point and model.


point – data point to test against

abstract make_model(points: List) None

Makes a model from given data points.


points – list of data points with which to make model

class pyransac.line2d.Line2D(slope=None, y_int=None, x_int=None)

Model for a 2-dimensional line.

calc_error(point: Point2D) float

Calculate error between data point and 2D model.


point – data point to calculate error with


calculated error

make_model(points: List[Point2D]) None

Makes equation for 2D line given two data points.

Model parameters are stored internally.


points – list of data points to make model (length must be 2)



property slope

Gets the slope of the model.


slope of line (None if model not made).

property x_int

Gets the x intercept of the model.


x intercept of line (None if model not made).

property y_int

Gets the y intercept of the model.


y intercept of line (None if model not made).


class pyransac.line2d.Point2D(x: float, y: float)

2-dimensional point class.

This is a simple class to contain Cartesian coordinates of 2D point.

x: float

x coordinate of point.

y: float

y coordinate of point